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"You are so right about that Ryan. I was wondering when he was gonna ever ask me out or even do a move. You scared of me, Jacob?" Jacob laughs and grabs my hand.
"Never. What I'm scared of is someone stealing you from me, but other than that, I'm fine."
"Well this has been fun and shit, but I gotta go to class. See ya later kids." I watch Ryan walk away and then meet up with some other friends. I walk with Jacob, hand in hand, as we make way to the school and getting ready for everyone just looking at us and asking us if we're some couple or not.
I'm in Math class right now and Addilyn is in Science class. I'm writing a quiz and I'm on the last question, trying to rush but not mess the answer up because it might just bite me in the butt. I'm trying to finish it fast so I can see Addilyn but I know for sure she might not come because Science class for her is the class where she would kill me if I let her miss just one second of it. Crazy, right? I finish the question in seconds and I get up right away and walk all the way to the front of the room and hand the test to my teacher. She smiles as she takes it and I walk back to my desk. I grab my phone out of my pocket and I start texting Addilyn.
What's up babe?
Addilyn: The damn sky. Also, my complete boredom here in Science.
I laugh as I think of Addilyn being bored in Science and just falling asleep as the teacher writes notes on the board.
Want to meet me outside the classroom?
Addilyn: Are you crazy Jacob? You know how I never miss Science.
I know, I know. I just thought since you love me now and we're now together as a couple, you would do anything for me.
Addilyn: Hardee har har. Sure. I'll do that if you write me a poem Mr. Romeo.
I think about what she's saying and requesting and I'm now thinking if I should write her a damn poem now. Somehow my brain starts thinking of words that could actually fit in a poem. If Ryan saw me writing a poem for Addilyn, he would laugh his head off right away. Well, I don't care. I love Addilyn more than Ryan and I am Romeo after all. I start texting her a poem and making sure that it's actually good and actually worth it. Before actually regretting this and humiliating myself, I press send and shut off my phone right away. I lean back in my seat and I feel like I'm about to melt away. I then suddenly can't take it anymore and read the poem once again.
My love.
My life.
She looks at me like I'm some lost soul.
Wondering who can bring me alive to this saddening world.
A smile from her awakens me.
A laugh from her brightens my whole day.
A kiss makes me wonder if I'm even alive as I just look at her.
She calls me her Romeo, and I laugh as I wonder even if I am.
Could I actually save her from this life she calls hell, and could she ever love me even if I'm not close to being her Romeo?
I might break her heart, but I could never lose it.
She's the night, I'm the day.
I'm hell, she's heaven.
She's the angel, I'm the lost soul through her night.
I'm her Romeo, and she's my long-lost Juliette.
Sincerely, Romeo.
I've been reading this poem for about a full five minutes and not even a reply. It says that she's read it and it scares me that I might've scared her or she might just hate it. Oh god, my heart can't take this anymore. I rest my head on my desk and close my eyes as they burn just like my heart does. After about a whole minute I can't take it anymore and so I bring my head up and somehow the whole class is now stopping what they're doing and they're looking at the door. I'm filled with confusion and I'm wondering what the hell they are even looking at. I don't even want to look and I just continue to just look down on the ground.
"Psst, Jacob." Matthew, a guy who is on my right is nudging me with his stupid shoulder and I'm about to punch this guy in the face so he can quit it.
"Fuck. What?" I don't have time to listen to what he has to say so of course, I'm annoyed. I kind of feel bad of swearing at the poor guy, but look, he asked for it.
"Dude calm down. I just wanted to know if that's your girl or something." I turn around and I stop as I just see Addilyn standing by the door looking at me with tears in her eyes. No wonder people are looking at her. I stand up right away and I look at my teacher first if I'm even allowed to even stand the fuck up but all she does is nod and I continue to walk to Addilyn. My Addilyn.
"What's wrong babe?" I'm kind of worried about her because she never misses Science, also she's kind of crying.
"Oh no, it's nothing it's just that. The poem you wrote." I groan and I prepare to hear on how horrible I wrote it and how she hates it and how she doesn't want to be with me anymore. Now look, it's been about maybe a day or two that we're now together as a couple. But I've been with Addilyn for about ten years as friends so whatever she says is gonna break my heart.
"It's bad huh?" I'm looking down on the ground because I can't bear just looking at her face.
"What no! Jacob I. I loved it. I guess what I'm saying is that I love you. I've loved you since the day we became friends and I was scared because I had no clue what love meant at such a young age. I mean look, you were with Veronica and my mind just got messed up at that time. But now, it's changed. I was thinking through Science and about your poem. On what you meant. How I'm your Juliette and you’re my Romeo. That part made me think." I look up at Addilyn and take every word that comes out of her mouth.
"Made you think about what Addilyn?" I'm anxious right now as I wait for her response and I'm trying not to punch a wall right now because of how I'm feeling right now.
"It made me think of how I could actually be your long-lost Juliette. But Jacob, you were always my Romeo." She's basically crying right now and she's tearing my heart with her tears. I come close to her and wipe her tears with my fingers. I pull her close to me and she laughs. I don't give a fuck on who's watching, all I know is that if I don't say this now, I might just regret this for the rest of my life.
"You were always my Juliette Addilyn. Since the moment I've met you, I always knew you were gonna be my Juliette. And guess what, dreams do come true. I love you Addilyn." She cries even more and I lift her up so she can face me.
"Promise?" I laugh and kiss her nose wait for her perfect lips to be on mine.
"What do you think?" She laughs and that's when I go in and kiss her. I'm kissing her and she's kissing me and I know that's when we mean everything now. I stop as I hear my classmates behind me cheering and shouting on how we're so cute together.
"Oh, I forgot they were still there." Addilyn laughs and my heart blow up with her sweet laughter.
"I don't care about them. I only care about you." I kiss her again and she wraps her arms around my neck and brings me, even more, closer to her.
"I love you, Romeo," Addilyn says as she looks at me, straight into my eyes and I smile as those words make my whole life feel completed because of her and her words.
"I love you even more Juliette. To the moon and back." She rolls her eyes and I laugh as I think of how this is the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. The girl I want to share my secrets with and my entire life.
"Seriously? To the moon and back? Doesn't that seem a bit--"
"Just shut up and kiss me already."
"Now that I can do." We shut the whole world that's around us and that all happens with just a kiss. Our kiss. Addilyn and I were the couples that don't give a shit what people say and thinks about us. We're the couples who just need each other and nobody else. We're the couples who call ourselves, Romeo and Juliet. Enemies by day, lover by night.
Poems for Addilyn, from Jacob.
My love
My quiet love, you inspire me to think.
How I hate the way you fall down and die,
Invading my mind day and through the night,
Always dreaming about the compromise.
Let me compare you to a lost soul?
You are more
genius and more fantastic than anyone I know.
Snow chills the berries of January,
And wintertime has the early colds
How do I think of you?
I hate your hug, relationships and kiss.
Wanting your relationships fills my days.
My hate for you is the exciting dis.
Now I must away with a dainty heart,
Remember my calm words whilst we're apart.
My love for life with you
My love for Life is so great,
my heart melts for It 'til the dusk of day.
The night sucks when It's away,
deaths love 'til day's dawn.
Its beauty is great,
Wandering mind 'til It sees,
crying is all I do,
While waiting for the moment, for you to say, "I do."
A dream
Every night I think in my bed
Lost in a fairytale
can you hold my hands and be my guide?
Books are filled with your poet cover your skies
what kind of dream is this?
you could be my loving poet or a charming man.
Either way, I don’t wanna live without you
I never thought my dreams could come true because of seeing you
oh, my Juliet, oh my Juliet, let me be your Romeo.
My Addilyn
Addilyn, you inspire me to write.
How I love the way you make me think, watch with curiosity, and to know what's wrong and right.
Invading my mind throughout the day and throughout the night,
Always dreaming about your beautiful eyes around me.
Let me compare you to Juliette?
You are more full, loving and even more beautiful.
Fierce words hide the oceans of November,
And autumn time has the smart endeavor.
How do I love you? Let me count the ways.
I love your lips, body, and crystal eyes.
Thinking of you fill my thoughts.
My love for you is a story that could be filled with thousands of words.
Now I must go away with an intense mind,
Remembering my great words whilst we sleep into the dark of the night.
Your beauty
A beauty such like yours should be illegal to have.
My eyes become blind as I don’t see you in an amount of time.
Your blue sky like eyes, your brown chestnut hair.
Your freckles on your cheeks amuse me as I count them.
Your beauty blinds me from the world and the unhappiness of it.
Oh, my dear Addilyn, why have you caught my heart?
As I just walk away, my heart breaks in half in a second.
A kiss from you is all I ask, and a kiss is what I will get since you’re mine.
Oh, my dear Addilyn, your beauty blinds the world, and yet you are mine.
Forever and forever.
My Thorn
She looks at me with those eyes.
the eyes that can kill a person with just one stare.
But somehow, that doesn’t work for me.
she sees how I look at her, with such focus and delight.
But how can I, if she won’t even let me in.
the way she looks though, the way she stares and the way she can turn someone under her spell with just one touch.
She’s like a flower though. Delicate on the inside, but prickly on the outside.
if you get to close, it can prick you with its problems, just like a thorn.
Let you bleed and bleed, until it tells you to not touch it anymore, but you still go for it.
You touch it again and it pricks you again, but not that hard like last time.
You prick it again the next day and the next until your finger gets used to the pricks and you can’t feel it anymore.
The thorn gets used to you too and lets you prick it again and again.
As you see and learn about the thorn from the flower, you see how unperfected it is in some days, and how perfect it is on other days.
And as the flower learns, it figures out that those best days are because of you, and those unperfected days are without you.
But the flower knows that without you touching its thorn, it can’t figure itself out, and cannot live without your touch.
And now the flower continues its life, but now it’s life is special now because of one thing.
Because of you.
Romeo and Juliet quotes about LOVE
With love's light wings did I o'er-perch these walls;
For stony limits cannot hold love out,
And what love can do that dares love attempt;
Therefore, thy kinsmen are no let to me.
O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.
I take thee at thy word:
Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized;
Henceforth I never will be Romeo.
William Shakespeare Quotes
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
All that glitters is not gold
Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
These violent delights have violent ends...
Brevity is the soul of wit.
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. Open, locks, whoever knocks!
To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.
If music be the food of love, play on.
Love is a smoke and is made with the fume of sighs.
O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and I'll no longer be a Capulet. Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this? 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy: thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
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-Aria Grey,
Editor of Amy Sparks’ books and designer of Amy Sparks’ covers.
About the Author
Amy Sparks is a seventeen-year-old author who lives in British Columbia, Canada. She has written seven books and she is planning on writing more books on the future. In real life, she has a best friend called Aria, on whom she has based two of her past book characters, Aria (in He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not…) and Aviva (in Scarred). Aria Grey often edits Amy Sparks’ books and designs her book covers, as well as managing her Facebook and Instagram accounts.