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Sincerely, Romeo
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Sincerely, Romeo
Copyright 2018 Amy Sparks
Published and Edited by Aria Grey at Smashwords
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Other Books by Amy Sparks
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not…
Screwed Up
my fiction life
A Whisper in the Wind
“You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.”
― Johnny Depp
My alarm beeps as it wakes me up telling me that it's time to wake up and get ready since I have school. I tumble off my bed and land on the cold floor.
"Ow," I say under my breath as I get up and stretch while facing the mirror. I find my cat on the floor and I pick her up and place her on my bed so she can at least be comfortable and warm. I put on my slippers and walk out of my bedroom and make way to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and put my hair up as I wash my face and put some cream on so at least my face doesn't become dry as hell. I take a deep breath and look at myself in the mirror and acknowledge my face. Brown hair with bangs but highlights at the ends. Blue eyes but honestly look green in the sun. Freckles on my nose and cheeks and red lips that need no lipstick because it's honestly a perfect colour. Why ruin it? I step out of the bathroom and into my bedroom to change. I wear a pair of tight ripped jeans and a school hoodie. I leave my hair down but I take a couple of hair ties just in case I need to tie my hair or something. Or maybe because I wanna use it as a slingshot to just annoy someone because that's just how I am. I make my bed and grab my phone to see if I have any texts from my friends or just so I can check Instagram and other shit.
"Damn, it's dark in here," I say as I make way to my window and opening my blinds so a little light can come in here.
"Of course." I roll my eyes as I see my next-door neighbor (a guy) changing into a shirt but then taking it off and looking fucking awesome as always. Blah. Of course, he has to have abs and perfectly good skin and flawless features. His hair is even good and I don't even think he combs it. I'm now making myself mad as I just stare at him and just thinking that I have to wake up every morning looking at him as I just open my blinds. Oh god. I open my window and decide to just yell at him to just pick a damn shirt.
"Hey, idiot!" I shout and of course, Jacob turns instantly and smiles as he finds me yelling at our houses just because he can't pick a damn shirt. I've officially hit rock bottom. He then opens his window and of course, still no shirt on him.
"Heyyy, what's up Addilyn?" He says and I scowl at him and try to not look at his perfectly chiseled abs.
"You do realize you're going to school, right? At least pick a damn shirt so I don't always have to open my blinds and see you every morning without a shirt on you." He smiles and looks down at his abs and rubs his stomach.
"Well, I'm sorry that God wanted me to look like a Goddess." I laugh out loud and roll my eyes as for how stupid he sounds out loud.
"Well then, I'm sorry. I guess I should go and leave this stupid conversation. Also, dumbass, a Goddess is a female deity but hey, you can be anything you want to be if you just believe." I wink at him and then slide my window down with a slam and laugh as his face is basically frozen since he actually called himself a Goddess. I wave at him and then leave my bedroom and walk downstairs so I can eat some breakfast. Of course, my parents are not even here since they leave early for work. I grab a piece of toast and put some butter on it and bam! That's my breakfast. How awesome is that? I grab my bag and grab my car keys and leave my house. I lock the door and walk to my black Lexus land cruiser and unlock it. I honestly love my car and I wouldn't change anything about it. My dad bought it as soon as I turned seventeen and it's the best gift I have ever gotten. My brother who is two years older than me and in College got the same car, only it's white. Honestly, though, he only uses his car to drive to places and to make girls think he's somewhat "cool." As I open my car door I hear my name being called and I turn around which I regret as soon as I see that Jacob called my name. Oh boy. Jacob runs across my lawn which makes me cringe since he's basically killing my grass! He's wearing jeans and a hoodie, just like me which makes me cringe even more. Ugh, are we twins or something?
"What do you want?" Jacob laughs and puts his fingers in his dark brown hair and messes it up. Ugh, it even looks good messed up.
"I need a drive to the school." My eyes widen and I start laughing at how he actually thinks I'm gonna let him get in my car like it’s no big deal.
"No." I get in my car and then close the door and I throw my bag in the back and put the heat on.
"Please Addilyn. I don't have my car because my sister took it and I can't walk in this cold."
"Dude, it's not even minus one. You can walk in this cold. It's not that hard you know." I put my key ignition and I put it in drive and start backing up. As I'm backing up I'm wondering where on earth is Jacob since I just saw him a second ago, and that's when I look in the mirror and see his standing behind my damn car! I step hard on the brakes and put it in the park and I step out of my car and rush towards him.
"Are you crazy! I could've hit you!" I'm having a huge panic attack right now and somehow, he's being calm.
"Sorry, but I needed to get your attention. Can I please have a drive to the school now?" I'm right now extremely mad at him but there's nothing I can do except give him a fucking drive to school.
"Ugh. Fine. Get in." I say as I turn around and get in my car and start it all over again. The other car door opens and in comes Jacob, looking awesome as always. He smiles as he grabs his seatbelt and locks it in and looks out the window. Oh God, this is gonna end so badly. Just let me crash right now and let me die. I shake my head and decide how horrible that would be if I die in this stupid car with him in it too. Yeah, that would be so horrible. I start the car and back out in a second and turn right as I drive to our school. Alright, I can do this. Deep breaths and don't mess up and don't crash or else your gonna die with him inside this stupid car. Yeah, don't crash. Please, dear God, don't crash.
Yeah, fine, Addilyn hates me, but so what? I need a fucking drive to school or else I'm gonna be late. Not my fault my stupid ass parents took my car because we only have two and my dad took it to work and my mom has some stupid doctor appointment. Ha, yeah, sure. I'm staring out of the window and admiring the nice blue sky and how it's not just blue, but different colours combined. I turn away from the window because the light is somewhat burning my eyes. Also, I kind of wanna see Addilyn for a second. So what? Sue me for trying to admire a girl. I'm staring at Addilyn and I'm mostly staring at her little features on her face. Her freckles, her light but also dark brown hair, her sparkly blue eyes and shine in the sun but also turn into an emerald colour. Her eyes are what I love the most about her, but also her smoking body that's for sure. Addilyn is quite tall for a girl, but she's curvy in the good areas if you know what I mean.
"What are you doing?" I shake my head and sit back into the seat. Well, I guess I've been staring at her too much and she finally notices. Ok, I need to play this cool, I mean like this is so stupid right now. I feel like a little kid who got in trouble and
I gotta now tell her the truth about what I really did. Like, come on. I'm fucking Jacob Wilde, and of course, my last name tells it all. I'm wild as hell and I love it. I'm the most popular kid in the school and everyone loves me. I just broke up with my girlfriend though which of course hasn't honestly affected me. She was such a crazy girl and hot of course, but really crazy. Like any minute I wasn't with her, she would think I was either cheating on her or I was off smoking weed or some shit. Oh right, coming back to Addilyn. She's looking at me and waiting for some answer and I gotta come up with one quick.
"Oh well... I was uh... Oh! you had something in your hair." Yeah, that'll do. Addilyn rolls her eyes and continues to drive.
"Well, you could've just said that you know. You’re such a weirdo." I nod and agree with her. Yeah, I am. I continue to look out the window and notice that we're coming close to the school. Great. It's not like I'm doing bad at school or something, it's just that I wish I kind of had more time with Addilyn. I feel something vibrating in my pocket and at first, my mind went a little bit in a dirty phrase, but then I remember that I gotta be less stupid and pick up my damn phone. I take the phone out of my right pocket and I check who the hell is calling me right now. Somehow, my mother has to be calling me right now at this very moment.
"Sorry, um, can I take this call?" I'm not trying to be some jerk, so of course, I would ask Addilyn for her permission to take this call.
"You really don't need to ask me, it is a free country you know." I laugh and answer the phone as soon as she says it.
"Hey, mom, what's wrong now?" I'm rubbing my face because I cannot take this anymore. Like this woman is on my ass every single day which makes me annoyed on how she does this. Like once, when she knew I had class, she had to call me to pick up milk! I was in math class at that moment and I was doing a quiz, and of course, my mother, the brilliant women I know had to call me as my class and I was doing the quiz. Thank God, my teacher didn't give me a zero because of that. I care about my marks okay? My marks are the only thing that will save me and get me out of this hell hole place I call my "home".
"Honey, I need you to come home early tonight okay? We're having a party and all of your dad's family is coming." Oh shit. I know for sure that my dad's family will want to see me succeed in school and shit, but also for me to actually have a decent looking girlfriend. Like they tortured me into getting one, and when I actually got a girlfriend they don't even like her. Well I mean, yeah, I don't exactly pick the best girl to date so...
"Mom, I can't talk right now, it's just, ugh, fine fine, um, what time should I be there?" I'm trying so hard to escape out of this dinner thing, but I know for sure it won't work. Whatever my mother wants, she gets. I guess that's where I got my personality from, my mother.
"Be here at five okay? No, later than that. Oh also, bring your girlfriend Jacob. I'm hoping you have one now because your girlfriend before was horrible for you. She made you do stuff that you didn't want, and she was always mad. Like sheesh, some lady." I groan and rub my forehead because right now, I'm getting a migraine because of this stupid conversation.
"Mom, fine. Don't worry. Gotta go now okay? Bye, I love you." I close the phone as soon as I finish talking and put my phone back in my pocket and continue to look out of the window.
"We're here you know. You can get out of the car now." Addilyn says and I turn away from the window and see that we are now parked and I see that we are at the school. I take off my seatbelt and of course, Addilyn is already out of the car. I get out of the car also and she locks it as she walks away.
"Wait Addilyn, that's it?" I say as I approach and stop her from walking. She has her bag and she's holding her books very close to her chest which of course, I must sound like a pervert since I am looking at her chest.
"What do you mean that's it? It's done, Jacob. You don't need to owe me or anything. Just pretend this is some friendly neighborhood gesture thing okay? Now, if you excuse me, I gotta go to class Jacob. I suggest you do the same." She walks away and of course, I'm left alone like some little kid without his mommy. I then say, "screw it" and I run to Addilyn and of course, she must be mad because I won't leave her alone.
"Okay look, what if I want to ask you out to dinner?" Addilyn then stops walking and of course, I think I might've scared her. Yeah, gone a little bit too strong here.
"What the fuck are you talking about Jacob? You don't even like me and I don't even like you! Now, you can tell me that it's some sick joke and your gonna let me walk to class so I won't be late." I'm left without words right now, and it's never happened before. I put my fingers through my hair to think of something to say but of course, nothing comes out.
"Yeah, I thought so. Goodbye Jacob." Addilyn walks away from me once again and of course, I'm left alone once again in the fucking school parking lot. I'm about to chase after her once more until I hear my goddamn name. Oh crap. I turn around and see, of course, my ex-girlfriend, Veronica. I fake a smile as she runs toward me and throws herself at me like some girlfriend.
"Hey, Veronica..." My tone right now sounds depressing and I hope she realizes that but of course, Veronica is some narcissistic brat that just thinks the world is too good for her anyway.
"Oh Jacob, I missed you so much!" She shouts those words which makes me cringe a lot if anyone is watching us right now. I don't even like this chick anymore and she just thinks she can come back to me and hug me? Oh shit no. I turn my head right because her hair is in my face and I'm stumped as I see Addilyn watching us at this very moment. Give me a fucking break. I let go of Veronica right away and move her away from me. I'm not trying to be some jerk who moves a girl away from him like she's some bug, but just seeing Addilyn looking at Veronica and I like we're some couple fucks me up.
"Sorry Veronica, but I gotta go. Class remember?" Veronica bites her lip and honestly before I would've loved how sexy she bites her lip, but now, ugh, not my type. I turn to see if Addilyn is still there but of course, she's gone.
"But babe..." My head turns around right away to look at Veronica directly in her eyes and see if she's drunk or something. My mind is filled with confident since I know for sure we're over. Done. The end. Like is she crazy or what???
"No babe. We're done, Veronica. Go annoy some other asshole." I know for sure this conversation is done for since I'm just walking away from her and not saying anything else. I can hear her call my name but screw it, not doing it. I run to the doors of the school and open them so I can go to my class. First though, my locker. I make way to the end of the hallway since my locker is all the way there and I open is fast so I can grab my books. I know for sure that I have business class right now and Addilyn has math, which of course is weird since I basically know her schedule. I shut my locker with a slam and rush to my classroom. As I'm walking to class I see Addilyn on her phone, sitting on the ground which intrigues me. I walk to where she's sitting and kick her shoe. She looks up right away and scoffs. She gets up from the floor and walks away from me and into her classroom. Huh, weird. I'm about to go into her classroom until I remember that Veronica is in this damn class and I don't want to talk to her. All I wanna do is talk to Addilyn, but no, the universe doesn't seem to want that for me. I turn away from the classroom and walk to my class so I actually won't be late. As soon as I make way into my class I'm being slapped right on my stomach and on my head which of course causes me to have pain and which of course causes me to drop all of my fucking books. I look up and notice that it's my best friends, Ryan who just had to hurt right now. I pick up my books and stand up and push him so hard, he falls down on the ground.
"Do it again, and next time I'll punch you into a group of girls." I walk the pain off and I sit down in my seat and place my books on my desk. Ryan of course laughs and stands up which groaning.
"Punch me into a group of girls will be like winning the fucking lottery." I roll my eyes and watch him walk to his seat, which of course is right beside mine. He sits down as soon as Mr. Lamm walks in. Funny h
ow he has the last name of a cute, little animal, yet he looks like he can kill anyone. Ironic. He sits down and writes on the chalkboard the book's pages and questions we have to read and answer today. As I open my book I just stare at the words and don't even read them. Ryan pokes my arm and I turn to him to see what the hell he even wants.
"You okay dude? You daydreaming or something?" I mouth a "no" at him and continue to look back at the words. It's funny, I'm not daydreaming, and I'm not sleepy. I'm just thinking of Addilyn.
I'm reading a book while listening to music while my stupid ass class is writing a test. I finished early of course since Math to me is super easy and also, I really wanna read this book. I finished about ten minutes ago and my teacher allowed me to listen to music, only if it's really quiet and shit. I sit in the back anyway so I'm fine. Plus, I got headphones on which are Bluetooth, so if any stupid idiot wanted to pull the cord off of my headphones, they can't since I don't have one that's connected to my phone. As I'm reading my book, I can't help but think about seeing Veronica and Jacob together hugging. Blah. Like honestly, she looked so in love while he kind of wanted her to get off of him, but still. Blah. Jacob's class is right next to mine and I kinda wanna see what would happen if I just came into his classroom and talked to him. Of course, that would never happen because I don't like Jacob and he doesn't like me, even though he did ask me out... but still, it won't happen. Also, he has Mr. Lamm for business, and he fucking scares the shit out of me. I get back to reading my book but somehow, I can't stop thinking about what Jacob meant in asking me out. I'm not really the kind of girl who's wild and stuff, but I'm also not the kind of girl who forgets about stuff and moves on. I finally say, "screw it" and I get up and walk all the way to Mrs. Lou's desk and I ask her if I can go to the washroom. She of course says yes and doesn't become one of those mean teachers who say no and lets me pee my pants. I do have to go to the washroom anyway so I am at least telling the truth about where I'm going. I walk out of my classroom and walk slowly past Jacob's class. I see that he's reading a book and his stupid friend Ryan, of course, is on his phone. Idiot. I stand beside his class but behind the door so his teacher doesn't see me and yell at me for disrupting his class. I sit on the floor and pull out my phone and open contacts. I know for sure that I have Jacob's phone number here since he gave it to me one time for setting up with him and one of my friends. Ugh. Luckily that plan went downhill and it never really happened. I scroll down my contacts and successfully find Jacobs phone number. I press it and text him right away, telling him to ask to go to the washroom and also that I'm right outside their goddamn class. I send it and hope for the best. Until then, I will just play some candy crush on my phone and wait for him. If he doesn't come in the next five minutes, I'm leaving. As soon as I open the app, Jacob comes out and looks right and left for me.