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A Whisper in the Wind
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A Whisper in the Wind
Published and Edited by Aria Grey at Smashwords
Copyright 2018 Amy Sparks
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Other Books by Amy Sparks
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not…
Screwed Up
my fiction life
Sincerely, Romeo
This book is dedicated to my family for telling me to not give up on my dreams and to my friends for supporting me throughout the whole process of writing the book.
Chapter One
"Shut up you little motherfuckers!" The whispers control my mind and thoughts and it's killing me. They tell me how to save them and how to set them free. That shit makes me go crazy, and there is no way am I gonna live with them inside my brain all the time. I grab a pillow and punch myself in the face with it, about twenty times. The whispers still continue through my brain until they finally stop.
"Oh, God. Thank you. Just thank you." I laugh as I set my pillow down and grab my book. As I turn one page, the whispers start again.
"That's it." I stand up and go all the way downstairs to my kitchen and grab my medication. I'm not the type of person to grab medication and chug it down because I'm going crazy. No, I'm only doing it because I am crazy. I open the bottle and grab two of my medications that the doctor prescribed for me since my mother had to tell him I hear "voices" in my damn head. Not voices, mother, whispers. I throw the pills in my mouth and grab a bottle of water and chug down the water in a second. I can feel the pills reach the bottom of my stomach and now I just wait. Wait for all of these damn whispers in my head to leave. It takes about a second for the whispers to leave and I smile under my breath. I set the bottle down and walk out the door since I can actually have fun without the whispers bothering me anymore. I grab my phone out of my pocket and open my Snapchat. I see dumb pictures of my friends getting drunk and hanging out with their boyfriends and all of that shit. I swear under my breath and turn off my phone.
"You don't need them." I turn around to see who the hell is behind me but there's no one. I swear I hear an actual real live voice. If I compare that voice to my whispers, they don't even come close to what I hear in my head. Whispers sound like whispers, this sounds like a real person voice. I shake my head and check around to actually see if there's anybody behind me or actually messing with me.
"You're beautiful." I turn around again and look if there's anything behind me. Motherfucker.
"What the..." I look up and actually question what I'm actually hearing.
"God?..." The voice laughs and I jump.
"If I was God, we would be having another conversation Savannah."
"How the hell do you know my name?" I'm actually shaking right now as I'm having a conversation with a voice out of the nowhere.
"I know everything about you. I've been watching you and admiring you. Let me just say, you're hot as hell." The voice laughs and I now wanna cover myself up.
"What kind of sick game is this?" The voice keeps laughing and I still keep looking around and checking if there's somebody who's messing with me.
"Not a game. Not messing with you. It's life Savannah, and your gonna help me." It's my turn to laugh and ask him on what he actually means by that.
"You sound like a guy." I cross my arms as I still continue to look around if someone is actually messing around with me.
"I am a guy. Scared?" I laugh and wonder if I was ever scared once in my lifetime.
"Me scared? That doesn't happen in my life. I know what you are."
"What am I then Savannah?" I roll my eyes and try to figure out how this guy actually knows my name. I know for sure this is not a whisper that I always hear in my head. This is a real live voice and its freaking me out.
"You're a ghost. A voice. Some shitty thing that won't leave me alone until I help you right?" The voice laughs and that's when I know I got it right.
"Yup. Perfecto. I'm a voice in your head because I actually do need your help. And I know you’re gonna help me." Now it's my turn to laugh since I won't help him. I notice that I'm still standing in my driveway and haven't moved since.
"What makes you think I'm gonna help you?" I walk to my car and open the car door with my keys and hop in.
"Because then I'm not gonna leave. I'll be in your head until the day you die because guess what hotcakes, I'm already dead." I start my car and try to understand what he means that he's "dead."
"And you're dead because?"
"No need to get into all of that shit." I'm about to back out of my driveway until I freeze as I still hear him speaking.
" Funny. Plus, how the hell am I gonna help you? You're dead." The voice starts laughing again and his laugh is now making me honestly annoyed.
"Yeah, I am. And this is how your gonna help me. You listening?" I roll my eyes and back out of my driveway ready to leave this hell hole.
"Crystal," I say with an annoyed tone and I wait for the voice to come back again.
"Your gonna help me find things that gave to people a long time ago before I died. Capisce? Now are you in or not?" My mouth dries up and I freeze as I just imagine actually doing this. I'm crazy, but not this crazy to actually commit to this plan. If I really want him to leave though, I gotta do everything he says. Including finding his shit and getting it back.
Chapter Two
"You're doing what?" I roll my eyes as my brother still has no clue what the hell I'm talking about. We're in the kitchen and my brother is sitting on the chair, still on his phone but his eyes are on me since he thinks I'm totally crazy as fuck. He knows about the whispers in my head, but this just freaks him out.
"John, I know what I'm doing. I just need you to tell mom I'm sick tomorrow okay?" My brother, the twenty-one-year-old who still has one night stands with girls and don't even call them for even one minute. He moves on with one girl and another. He's the boy who has the name of a "fuckboy." I shake my head as I grab a water bottle and try to explain it to him all over again.
"Savannah, I don't know. You sound crazy and I'm not sure if you should even tell me this because I want to take you to the doctor now." He stands up and puts his phone in his pocket and grabs his keys.
"John. Please! Just do this for me. I won't tell mom about you bringing a girl into the house and fucking her in mom and dad's room." John's eyes go wide and that's when I know I got him. I cross my arms and put a mischievous smile on.
"How the hell do you know about that?" I roll my eyes and ignore the fact that my brother still doesn't know what time I come from school.
"I was in my room, John. I heard you banging her pretty hard. You do realize the walls are kind of thin. Also, next time you bring a girl over, check all the rooms before you actually do something stupid John." John shakes his head and looks down at embarrassment. My poor, stupid brother.
"Fine. I'll tell mom you’re sick for tomorrow but that's it. Next day, your back to school. You need to get into college Savannah. You're seventeen for Christ's sake." I roll my eyes and try to figure out what I'm actually gonna do in the future. I don't even think I want to become anything in the future. I'm a pathetic seventeen-year-old who just wants to figure out why this voice is bothering me!
"And you need to stop messing with poor girls John. What happened to the guy who thought true love was only with one girl? Now I see you with girls that I don't even know anymore! Oh no, please tell me they're not prostitutes or something. You don't waste your money on them, do you???" John flicks his middle finger up at me and I laugh.
"No, you idiot. I just changed okay? People change and don't go back to who they were before. I gotta go Savannah, I got a date." I make a barfing sound and walk up to my brother to hug him tight and whisper one thing in his ear.
"Just don't forget about me okay?" My brother lets me go and looks in my eyes. I shrug and walk away.
"I can never forget about Savannah for just one girl. You're my little sis. I gotta go okay? Love you."
"Love you." The words leave my mouth and my brother, as well as the door, shuts with a noise. I groan and sit down on the couch and grab the TV remote.
"Nice brother, most brothers don't even say "I love you" to their siblings. I hope you actually love him back as well." I roll off the couch and hide under the table and look around to see if I'm turning crazy or maybe this is actually a voice. I hold the remote as some weapon that can save me from this shit that's happening to me. John was right, I'm fucking crazy.
"I uh. Uh..." I'm mumbling words out of my mouth as I try to figure out what's really happening here.
"Scared?" I shake my head as I continue to stay down under the table as some soldier in the war.
"Then why are you hiding under the table Savannah?" I drop the remote and it makes a thump as it hits the floor. He can see me. He knows who I am and I know for sure I didn't murder this guy.
"I'm hiding under the table because you're creeping me out! Leave!" I slide over and get up from laying down on the floor. I grab the remote and still hold it as a weapon. Is it not too late to call John for help, right? Ugh, he might be banging a girl right now, so of course, it's late. Why the hell do I have a fuckboy for a brother?
"I can't leave. You promised. Help me and I'll leave. Also, those shorts look fucking sexy as hell on you." I sit up right away on the cough and cover my legs with a blanket. Damn me for wearing short shorts in the house.
"Okay, you pervert. I'll help you. Only if you tell me your name." The voice laughs and I'm honestly freaking out.
"My name, huh? If I tell you my name, you'll help me?"
"Promise. Now, what is it?" I wait for the voice to tell his name and how I can actually help him in this situation.
"It's William." I pause for a moment and think about if I know any Williams and I know for sure that I have no clue about any Williams.
"Nice name. What does it mean?" William laughs since I know for sure that I can just google what his name means on the internet, but I somehow want to know.
"It means “will” and “helmet.” What does your name mean?" I cross my legs and think for a moment.
"I know it means something. Honestly, I don't know and I don't care. I don't think I even want to know what my name means because I like it to be a secret. I want to think of a meaning for my name myself, not just have the internet telling me."
"Smart. Anyway, I want you to go to my ex-girlfriend's house. I'll tell you the direction. Now get in the car and let's do this."
"Oh, hold on for just a minute Mr. Crazy Pants. What if your girlfriend is crazy and would maybe just kill me? Plus, what if she asks me how I know you?" William laughs and I know for sure he's probably thinking for a minute before he says anything stupid. Like he hasn't said anything stupid yet.
"Don't worry. And if she asks, just tell her you're my cousin." I roll my eyes and try to imagine what the hell he looks like to see if he would actually look like me. I know for sure cousins should look at least the bit alike.
"Ugh, what's her name?" I stand up and think if I should at least change since I do look like some slob right now who just got out of bed.
"Jennifer, also you’re fine. Don't change." I pause for a minute and replay those words he just said.
"How did you?--"
"I can read your thoughts. Now let's get out of here." I fold the blanket and put on my sneakers and a light jacket while grabbing my keys. I open the door and lock it as I look up in the night. It's not that dark so if she does kill me, at least someone can actually see what will happen. I open my car and start it as I buckle my seatbelt.
"Directions, William." I back out of my driveway and wait for him to tell me where the hell his ex- girlfriend lives. He tells me the address and I put it on my phone as it tells me the directions out loud. Here with go. In the world with a girl looking for a ghost's ex- girlfriend. Wonderful...
Chapter Three
"You want me to knock on her fucking door? Oh hell, no." I'm shaking my head as William tells me to go knock on his ex-girlfriend's house and pretend like everything is totally normal.
"This is gonna happen whether you like it or not." I groan and press my head against the wheel which of course beeps loud into the neighborhood. I take my head off right away and look directly at her house.
"Must be rich. So, you’re one of those guys, huh." I turn the car off and grab the key. I continue to look at her house until someone opens the door and comes out. I quickly hide and duck my head down so nobody can see me and think how sketchy this whole situation looks right now. I go up slowly and making sure that person is gone. It looked like a guy. Maybe her father?
"Who the hell is that?" I whisper under my breath and of course, William hears it. This kid somehow hears everything I say.
"Her dad. Now let's go." Knew it. I sigh and open the door and walk out, making sure that no one is watching me right now. I lock my car and take deep breaths as I walk very slowly to her house.
"Jesus, can you at least walk a bit faster? My grandma would walk faster than you Savannah." I scoff at him and try to walk a little bit faster but it won't work. I'm scared and also I don't want to end up in jail tonight. John would kill me and also my parents of course, but mostly John.
"What should I do? I need to at least have something prepared before I fucking knock on her door."
"Tell her you're my cousin and ask her if she has the blue hoodie that I gave to her about two years ago." I walk up to her driveway and almost to her porch until I realize how bad this is gonna be.
"A blue hoodie. Seriously? You're dead. Why the hell do you need a blue hoodie that is basically now hers?" He sighs and I laugh as I actually feel like I'm talking to a real person. I make it to her doorstep and I raise my hand up and almost ring the doorbell. So much for knocking.
"Wait! Also, don't ask any questions. Just grab the blue hoodie and leave okay? We got a long night ahead of us." I sigh and nod as I ring the doorbell and prepare for the worst thing possibly coming towards me. The door opens seconds later, revealing a tall girl who looks a bit older than me and of course has a fucking good body. I know for sure William is probably slobbering up there and noticing how on earth his ex-girlfriend turned out even hotter. I notice that I'm still standing here, absolutely doing nothing at all and still staring at her like I've never seen another girl before.
"Talk!" William's voice echoes through my brain and I blink and smile at the girl.
"Um, hi. I'm not sure if you know me but my name is Savannah and I'm William's cousin." Jennifer, if I'm not mistaken, is somehow looking in shock since her dead ex-boyfriend's fake cousin shows up at her damn house and is actually talking to her. Yup, not creepy at all.
"Oh. Hi. You’re William's cousin?" I nod rapidly and wonder if I actually do look like William to pull off as his cousin.
"Yup. Savannah. Anyway... I was just wondering if you still have the blue hoodie that he gave to you about two years ago when you guys were still dating?" I sound like I'm telling the truth which of course is a complete lie since I have no clue who the hell this girl is. She nods and still looks at me like I have something on my damn face.
"Um, I think I actually do still have it. Want to come in?"
I want to say no but all I hear is William saying no too and I kind of want to make him angry.
"Yeah sure. I would love to come in."
"Fuck you." I smile and laugh under my breath since I just love hearing him get mad. Maybe having a voice in my head is not that bad after all. I walk in her house and I'm in shock on how beautiful and big it is. Everything is white and shiny and new and I bet worth a lot of money. How the hell did he learn to score such a hot, rich girl?
"You can wait in the living room. I'll be right back." I nod and turn around to see the largest living room ever. The couches are white and leather and I'm incredibly scared I might mess it up. Thank God it's not that time of the month, am I right? I walk in and sit down super carefully so I won't mess anything up. I pull out my phone and try to waste some time by checking my Instagram.
"I hate you. Why the hell did u agree? I said no."
"Because I'm a kind person and an asshole. I wanted to make you mad and it looks like it worked." I laugh and scroll down pictures of my friends and people who I have no clue who they are. My eye catches a picture of my brother with some hot blond chick and I roll my eyes. This dude never gets bored.
"You should follow me." I raise an eyebrow up and try to think through on what he just said.
"Follow you? As in?..."
"As in following me on Instagram. My page is still there you know. You think I would actually let my parents take it down? They don't even know my password." I nod and think it through if I'm actually ready to see what he honestly looks like. I'm praying that he's ugly. He tells me his stupid username and I type it in and there it pops up. Shit. I close my eyes right away and scared to actually see what he looks like.
"What? Are you scared or something?" I'm biting my lip and trying to this through on how I'm going to handle looking at his face. Dead or not, I don't want to see it.