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Page 5

  “Wow, you sure know a girl’s way to her stomach.” I say as I turn to open the door. Good job Ava. Leave before he says something. Smart. Wise. Brilliant. As I step out of the car, I can feel the hot air cooling down, and so now all I feel is nice soft cool air brushing throughout my whole body. I close the door and then walk up with Connor. He smiles at me as I walk by his side.

  “I hope you eat burgers, ‘cause they have the best here.”

  “Of course I eat burgers. They are like my favourite food. I’m so glad you brought me here. I couldn’t take it at that fancy restaurant. I’m surprised they didn’t have like quail, or truffle.” I say and he laughs. As we make it to the diner, he opens the door for me. I smile and say thank you.

  “Such a gentleman you are.” I say as we make it in the diner. Ah the smell. It makes my mouth water and my stomach gurgle because of it.

  “Well if I weren’t a gentleman to a lady, or to anybody, I think I would get my ass kicked by my dad.” He says laughing while checking to see if there were any tables available. A girl comes by holding a couple of menus. Connor waves to her, which makes the girl come to us with a couple of menus.

  “Table for two?” She says in that perky voice. Ugh sheesh, is she blind? Doesn’t she see it’s just us? There is no one behind us, and so she should know it’s just a table for two. I roll my eyes, and Connor laughs. He nods his head to the girl, then turns his head to look at me. I smile and follow the girl as she walks to show us our table. All I smell is nice juicy meat, and so I’m glad I didn’t eat at the other restaurant, or I wouldn’t have been hungry. I’m kind of happy that I came here with him, and I kind of owe Emily for all of this.

  As we make it to our table, I slide into one side, as Connor does the same across from me. The girl smiles at him somehow, which makes me roll my eyes. She smiles at him like how girls stare at their boyfriend, and now I’m getting mad. I mean come on, you don’t know the guy, and I’m right here! Ugh these girls make me wanna punch the hell out of them, but no, I can’t really do that because he’s not my boyfriend, and I don’t really own him. I barely know him too, so that would just be dumb. She hands us the menus, then leaves shaking her stupid hips back and forth, torturing me. I scoff, and open the menu to look at the options. Connor laughs, and I look at him, confused.

  “What?” I say raising up an eyebrow. I honestly don’t know what’s funny. He lowers the menu from my face, and comes closer. I can feel like heart about to burst thinking about what he’s gonna do. Damn it, why the hell does he have to be so cute, and smell good too! Ugh, boys. They disgust me how perfect they all seem. Truly they have at least have one flaw, and I will find out Connor’s.

  “Are you jealous?” My eyes widen at his question. Am I jealous? I have never been that before. Even with Jayce, I mean come on. It’s not like I’m those girlfriends that are jealous when their boyfriend hangs out a girl. I’m not those girls, but I am certainly not those girls who are jealous of a hot stranger. I mean come on, me jealous?

  “No. Why on earth would I be jealous of her?” I say which makes him laugh. He leans back, putting his arms around him, checking me over. I kind of don’t feel good when he checks me all over, but maybe he’s trying to see if I’m lying or something.

  “Ok, ok. It’s just that you kind of rolled your eyes at that girl, and also when she was leaving. Now can you tell me what that was all about?” He says, which makes me blush. I didn’t know he saw me rolling my eyes at that girl. I thought he had only heard me scoff, not the eye rolling. I sit back on the chair and sigh. He can almost see through me, which scares me. I don’t even know the dude, yet he can read me like a book.

  “Connor, calm down. I’m not jealous, and the only reason I rolled my eyes was because…” I say, biting my lower lip. I know that when I bite my lip, it makes him crazy, and so this is my plan right now to do.

  “Because what Ava? Come on, you can tell me.” He says, which makes me sick on how good he is making girls talk. Ugh boys. I pick up my menu again, and try to change the conversation, but somehow that doesn’t work. He keeps kicking my leg, which is making me mad. He doesn’t kick it hard, but he kicks just enough to annoy me. Great. I slap the menu on the table and lean closer to him.

  “You wanna know? Fine. The only reason I rolled my eyes at that girl was because it annoyed me. It annoyed on how flirty she was at you, and how she shook her hips when she was walking away making sure for you to notice her. Also, I rolled my eyes at how she did it. I mean come on! I mean I know you're a guy, but she doesn’t really have to do that. I mean how slutty does she have to be to get your attention? Well?! I gave you the reason on why I rolled my eyes. And we’re ending it, ok? It’s done.” I say, taking a huge deep breath and letting it out.

  Sheesh, that was hard work. He looks at me, with his eyes wide open, not even blinking. Oh God, what did I do? I pick up the menu and try to pretend I’m looking at some food, but really, I’m not. I don’t even know the guy, and yet I poured out my entire reason, why I just rolled eyes at a stupid girl who works here. My life right now is so sad, I think it’s gonna curl up into a ball and die. I’m trying to look up, without him knowing, but it’s no use. I sigh, and put down the menu. This is so not gonna work, we need to talk about something else to get this night to move along. Connor is not even looking at me anymore, only at the floor, which makes me mad.

  Oh, come on. I cross my legs, and continue to stare at him. He’s still not looking up, which is making me madder. What the hell is wrong with this kid?

  “Connor, come on. Talk to me because you’re kind of scaring the hell out of me.” There, I talked. It’s his turn to talk or else I’m gone.

  He looks up at me, and smiles. Wait what? He starts to laugh harder and harder, which makes me confused. Was he... Playing with me? Ugh!

  “I knew you were gonna break. So, you ready to order, cause I’m freaking starving.” He says smiling at me. Huh, some guy. But not bad. I guess this dinner will be fun with him. Thanks, Em.

  “Duh, you wanna get a burger?” I say which makes him nod like a dog. I laugh, then try to cover my mouth. His smile then disappears, which makes me stop laughing. I feel like this dude is so bipolar, no wonder he doesn’t talk that much. I can hardly get out a word out of him.

  “Don’t do that.” He says.

  “Do what?” I say with a confused look on my face. I honestly don’t know what I did.

  “Don’t cover your mouth when you laugh. I don’t like it. It blocks your beautiful smile and laugh.” He says which shuts me up. He is so good with words, he left me wordless. Me! The girl who never gets jealous, yet I did. The girl who doesn’t even like get shut up by a guy, but suddenly does today. Am I getting my period or something? Why am I like this?

  “Um, so burger?” I stutter.

  “Damn yeah.” He says which makes me laugh. He eyes me for a second, making sure I won’t cover my mouth, but I don’t. I leave it. I laugh and laugh, which makes him smile. A waiter comes by and asks us if we have figured out what we wanted to order. We both nod, then laugh.

  We both order the bacon mushroom burgers. Even the name makes my mouth water. I also order a diet coke, whereas he orders a sprite. Maybe since now we’ve ordered, and the food may take a long time, we should talk about stuff that we don’t even know about. I mean, I hardly know anything about him, so he should tell me some things about him, and I’ll tell him some things about me.

  “So, since I barely know you, and you barely know me, let’s play a game.” I say, which makes his eyes light up. I hope he’s not taking this in a dirty way, by the way his eyes lit up. I roll my eyes, then move a little bit closer to him. He moves closer to me, and I smile at him. Somehow the more I know him, the more I’m loving.

  “What kind of game?”

  “Don’t be an idiot. I just want to play a game so we can learn more about each other. Is that okay?” I say hoping that he’ll be okay with the game. He thinks about it first, then nods.

��Shoot.” He says, which I nod. I think about what I should ask first him first, until an idea hits me.

  “So, do you have a girlfriend, or did you have one?” I say hoping that the answer is no. It’s not like I care, it’s just I don’t know why he’s taking me out if he has one. He raises an eyebrow, then comes closer to me, smirking. Ugh, why did I ask him that?

  “Huh, nice bold question Ava. I did have a girlfriend, but she left me for someone else, so no, I’m not with someone right now.” He says, which makes my heart burst with happiness. Yes!

  “Ok, your turn.” I say hoping he won’t pick stupid ones. He’s still a guy, and so who knows what he’s gonna ask me. He looks up for a moment, then back at me. Ok Ava, don’t mess this up.

  “Do you have a boyfriend? Or did you have one before? Oh, and if you do have a boyfriend, I think I’m gonna go in that corner there, and curl up and cry since I can’t have you.” He says in such a bold tone. He is such a guy. I roll my eyes, and lean back into the seat.

  “No, I don’t have a boyfriend, but I did though.” I say, looking proud. He nods, then motions for me to ask him another question. As I begin to ask him a question our food arrives, along with our drinks. Thank God! I was so hungry, I thought I was gonna faint soon if I didn’t put anything in my mouth soon. The waiter brings our burgers, and places it down on the table gently. Then our drinks. Connor says thank you, as do I too, and then we dive in.

  I take a sip of my coke which makes my taste buds happy. The sugary taste of the coke makes my body light up, which makes me laugh. Connor eyes me for a second, then laughs too. He picks up his burger and takes a big bite out of it. He lets go, and all the condiments that were on his burger are now on his mouth. I start to laugh so hard, I think I’m about to wet my underwear. Hoping I don’t, especially since I am wearing a dress.

  “Wow. Laughing at a guy who is terribly hungry and so he took a big bite out of his burger.” Connor says, which makes me laugh more. Damn, he’s funny. He puts the burger down and picks up a napkin, wiping the condiments from his mouth. Aw, he looked cuter with it on his mouth.

  “How’s the burger?” I say picking up the burger and now taking a huge bite into it too. Damn it’s good. Too good. I’m trying to eat the burger ladylike, but ugh it’s not working. I’m not Emily for God's sake. Not caring anymore, I just take another big bite out the burger, moaning every time I take a bite out of it. Not even listening, I hear Connor laughing.

  “What do you think? I am not ladylike like my sister. I eat like a guy, so if you don’t like it, sue me.” I say as he laughs even more at me. I now begin to laugh with him to almost choking on my burger. I kind of want to ask him more questions, so I know more about him, but I don’t know if he wants to play anymore.

  “So, any more questions for me?” He says, which makes me happy. He does want to continue that game. I do too.

  “Duh. Ok, I want you to tell me…. Hmm. Oh, I got one. I want you to tell me something you’ve never ever told anybody. Oh, and it has to be something that like not really a secret, but something that you’ve never really told like a stranger. Me, of course.” I say, which makes him gulp. I guess I made this a little bit challenging I guess. I’m kind of hoping he tells me at least something, or else, I really don’t trust him. This game is all about trusting the person, and so if he doesn’t like tell me at least something, I can’t really put my trust in him. He takes a deep breath, then looks at me straight in my eyes.

  “Ok you want a secret, right? Something that I haven’t told a stranger, which is you. Kind of.” He says, and I nod.

  “Um ok. Um, so. Ugh. This is so not fun, but I don’t quit, I am so doing this. Ok, so, last year when I was coming home from a party, a drunk driver hit me and made my car flip about five times. I was in a coma for about three weeks, and I had to get a metal plate in my brain because of the crash and, I had a heart transplant. The doctors said it was a ninety percent change I was gonna die, and I didn’t. That ten percent stayed with me, and, here I am.” He says, with a normal expression.

  His secret, it breaks my heart. He doesn’t realize this, but I’m so close to crying in front of him. His secret, is so deadly yet so beautiful on how he’s alive. I guess God really stayed with him throughout that whole time. I place my burger down and look at him. He’s taking deep breaths. Knowing that it was hard for him to share this with me, I move my hand across the table to him and I squeeze it hard. He looks up at me and back down at our hands. I smile at him and hold it more. Most people would say that it’s okay, he’s alive now, but before, you wouldn’t even think that he was going to get through it. Since he told me his secret, it’s my turn, and I should just get straight to it, or else, I may just break down and cry.

  “Last year I was abused. By um, my boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend now though. We were at a party, and so I wanted to leave since he was my ride home. I saw him smoking some pot, which made me really mad and I started yelling at him. He of course yelled back at me, which made me act even madder. I went too far and he slapped me. Hard. Across my face. I woke up in the hospital where my family filled me in on what happened afterwards. Someone at the party saw me on the ground, unconscious and so they called the cops. They arrested him of course, and so I guess you might figure out why I didn’t really have a good attitude towards you. After that, after him I guess I stopped putting my trust and life into any guy, into someone who might just throw it in the trash and leave it there.” I say while taking a deep breath. I cannot believe I told him that, but somehow, I wanted him to know this part about me. He looks at me with such depth, it makes my whole body shiver.

  “Ava, just tell me one thing. Tell me where he lives, or what jail he’s in so I can kick his ass and his family for doing this to you.” He says holding my hands tighter. Somehow, I feel like my lungs are getting tighter and tighter and so it’s making it hard for me to breath.

  I let go and stand up from the booth and leave. I don’t even feel hungry anymore, just sick. I don’t even say anything to him, I just leave. I clench on my bag and try to pull out my phone. It’s not Connor’s fault, it’s mine. My fault for asking him that question, for telling him the secret that’s such a big part of my life. My fault for trusting Jayce with my heart. Mine for being that stupid person, and for falling for a guy like Jayce. I get out of the restaurant and take a deep breath of the cool air. I check my phone. Eight o’clock. Damn it. I look around to see if there is somewhere I can sit down, because right now, I’m about to faint. There is nothing, expect Connor’s car. I go to his car and slide down, sitting on the cold pavement ground. I’m leaning against his car, taking deep breaths in and out. I am not gonna faint. Not now. Not with Connor in the restaurant, probably paying for the bill and about to come out and look for me. I put my head between my knees, hoping I’m gonna calm down. But I can’t. Damn it.

  “Ava!” I hear that voice. I know that voice. Connor. He’s looking for me. The thought makes me blush.

  “Over here!” I say waving at him to come over. He sees me, and runs over. Damn, he looks good running. He comes to me and sits down next to me. How can he live like that? Half damaged and still look like that. I wonder what he looks like under that shirt. Ugh Ava! I feel Connor’s breathing beside me and so it makes me feel safe with him close to me. I’m getting a little bit cold from the breeze, so to warm up I inch closer to Connor. He stiffens but doesn’t pull away. I put my head on his chest, as he moves his arm from me and puts it over me. He holds me close, like a baby. I can feel his heart beating and beating, making me wonder how he felt, having someone's heart, and not his own. And how he feels living with a metal plate in his brain.

  “Ava, you okay?” He says which I shush him.

  “Don’t talk. Just. Just don’t leave me.” I say, which makes him take a deep breath. He strokes my back and hair with his hand.

  “Ok. I won’t leave you Ava, I won’t leave you.” I close my eyes and fall in love with his heart beats. How someone so beautiful on the outside,
is completely different in the inside. I know his words are fake. I mean how can he not leave me if I won’t even see him anymore. This is it. The end of the first guy who really stole my heart and did not stomp on it. It’s all done. The only thing I can do is close my eyes and feel his heart beating and his body against me.

  Chapter 9


  I think I’m in love. For real. I mean come on. What kind of girl says yes to a total stranger and leaves her family in a restaurant to go to another restaurant with a guy she doesn’t even know? I think the moment I knew I was in love was when I saw her sitting down, leaning against my dad’s car. She looked so beautiful in the cold night. Her hair blowing in the wind like she’s some princess. Only wishing that I was her prince charming. But how can I be her prince charming? I can’t even be charming.

  As I sit down next to her, she moves close to me and I think, maybe this was fate. Maybe God has finally answered my prayers and brought me my angel. Ava. She’s the angel I’ve been looking for, and I finally have her. But it’s all gonna end since I’m leaving tomorrow for university. Damn it. I finally find her, and now I gotta lose her all because of something I’ve wanted so much, but now I’m wanting something more than some university. I want Ava.

  After sitting down for about a good ten minutes with her, she tells me that she’s gotta go back to the restaurant and so the moment ended. I did have to drive her back to the restaurant since her family must be so worried that she could’ve gotten killed and my family might’ve called the police about me. I did text Aiden though and I told him that I was okay, and so that should be covered.

  As I’m driving back to the restaurant, I check to see what Ava’s doing, since we had a bit of a moment between us. I want to kiss her so much, but I’m not gonna mess up this day, and so I have to use all my strength to not kiss her. I look at her and just make this moment last. She’s so beautiful, I don’t even know how the hell her stupid boyfriend slapped her. I mean when she was telling me this, I wanted to punch and kill this guy so hard, he can feel the pain that he gave her. On the outside, I must’ve looked calm, but in the inside, I was boiling. Like red hot boiling. I wanted him to pay because of what he had done to her. I wanted him to pay hard. Just thinking about that makes me want to punch something now. Crap.