Screwed Up Read online

Page 3

  "Uh, do you need help grabbing those?" I look upon where the plates are and there is no way in hell I'm gonna grab those. They are sure gonna fall on the ground and break. My mother would ground me for a decade if I break her beautiful plates. I sigh, and I turn around and nod. Matthew, of course, is taller than me and can grab those plates without stepping on a chair. He makes it so easy. He makes everything seem so easy! I take a step back and look at his outfit. He's wearing a blue suit, and I know for sure that's damn expensive. But a suit though? I don't live in a castle so I don't know why on earth he would wear a suit. He grabs the plates and turns around to give them to me. I grab the plates from his hands and place them on the table. I put all the plates on the table and then I go back to the kitchen to get the silverware. I open the kitchen drawer and grab some spoons, forks, and knives. I know for sure Matthew is watching my every move but I'm somehow focused on making this table look beautiful. Weird.

  "So uh, you need help?" He says but I just shake my head and put the silverware on the table. I then grab the glasses and a bottle of wine and put them on the table too. I then go back to the kitchen where Matthew is just standing there and doing nothing. I walk around him and grab a beer can from the fridge. I'm not gonna be mean so I turn around and hand it to me.

  "It's not poison, it's beer." He takes the can and then I grab another beer can from the fridge and open it. I take a big sip of it and then wipe my mouth with my sleeve. My mom would kill me if she saw me wiping something with my sleeve. I sit on the countertop and I cross my legs. I'm not that crazy about him seeing my black panties.

  "Are you gonna drink the beer or not?" I say, and then he opens the can and takes a long sip of it too.

  "Better?" I nod as he says it and I smile. Huh, he's not that bad when he's without his stupid friends. Matthew is really tall, so with me just sitting on the countertop, I'm honestly his height, with him being a bit an inch taller. The countertop is super high, so like damn he's actually tall.

  "So, now I should ask you this question because I have too. Why in the hell are you in my house and are you stalking me?" The word stalk makes him wince and I feel like I might've scared him or something.

  "I didn't stalk you. My dad works with your dad and so he wanted to invite my parents over for dinner at your place. My mother doesn't like leaving me home alone somehow after a little incident so I'm here. Does that make sense to you or do I have to say it slower?" I roll my eyes as he thinks I'm such dumb chick but also I'm intrigued when he said his mother doesn't trust him alone anymore since an incident occurred at his house. Hmm..

  "So what happened?" I say which makes him smile. He comes closer and it's making me dizzy.

  "Not telling you." I take another sip of my beer and think of ways on what could've happened at his house. Maybe he had sex with a girl in his parent's room and his parents came home and they found him doing it? Maybe he set the house on fire because he was playing with fireworks? Or maybe he had a party and it got out of control and the neighbors called the police? There are so many things that are going through my brain right now and it's making even more interested.

  "Ok, let's make a deal. You tell me what happened and I'll do whatever you want me too." I honestly sound like a prostitute right now, but I know for sure he won't make me do anything slutty. He's too scared of me. Everyone is. He's eyebrows goes up and it makes me laugh.

  "That sounds super sketchy you know, and I'm not doing it." I step of the countertop and my hands go up.

  "Why not!" He laughs and it's making me mad now.

  "Because if I tell you what I want you to do you might just kill me in my sleep, also what happened to you after the little "incident" after biology? I was saving you know." He just changed the subject and he's not getting away with it.

  "You just changed the subject." He crosses his arms and smirks.

  "Just tell me and I might tell you." He looks sincere, but I don't trust him. I drink the rest of the beer in my can and then I crush it and throw it in the garbage.

  "Nope." I'm about to walk away until he grabs my arm and pulls me back. I look at him dead in the eyes, and he doesn't move. This dude is so weird... but I actually like it. He brings me close to him and honestly, I can like just go on my tippy-toes and kiss him, that's how close I am.

  "Uh..." He says, and I know he's stuck on what he's gonna say right now. He asked for this, so it's his pit of doom. I smile and bit my lip. Matthew is so silly, it's just funny how much he's suffocating on this. I decide to just help him on this so we can just get this over with.

  "To make you feel better, I don't make out with "nice guys." I air quote the "nice guys" with my fingers and that makes him take a step back. I so got him.

  "What do you mean "nice guy?" So he won't ask about the "making out" part yet he's asking for the "nice guy" part? Yeah, he is weird.

  "Well look at you. You so do not dress the "bad" guy part. Also, did you not hear what I just said before that?" I cross my arms and eye him. He puts his fingers in his hair and that's when I see it. No wonder girls fall head over heels with this dude! He is hot! It's grossing me out so much that I'm about to faint. Matthew's about to say something but my mother's voice stops him and that makes me happy. Thank you, Hades.

  "Genesis! Matthew! Dinner's ready!" I turn back to see my mom putting food on the table and then it hits me. Did she just see the little show that I and Matthew just did in the kitchen? I'm hoping she didn't because that would be the weirdest mother and daughter talk she would give me when he leaves. I look back at him and he's looking at the ground. Ugh! I just say "hell with it" and I follow my mom to the table and I sit down because right now I'm starving. I'm sitting down where I thought my mother would sit down right next to me, but of course, Matthew sits next to me. Life is hell.

  "Seriously? Can't you sit somewhere else that's not here???" I whisper that to him and my mother puts her arm on my shoulder, meaning she just heard that and I might get killed after. Ugh. I smile at her and mouth "sorry" which she nods and then sits down close to my father. Matthew's parents also sit next to each other, and then there's me. Sitting next to the great Matthew Brown, having dinner with him and his parents, in my house... with my food! Well, the food doesn't matter, but it's my food! I cross my legs and take a sip of my water.

  "We need to talk," Matthew says, but I'm not listening. We already talked quite enough, why does he want to talk again? And now??? I didn't know that everyone starts taking food and putting it on their plates, so I follow what they're doing. I grab some mash potatoes, pasta, chicken, and gravy and I start feeding myself with this damn delicious food. Matthew starts putting food on his plate too and starts eating. At least he can't talk with his mouth full of food. My mouth is filled with mash potatoes and I stop chewing as I feel something touching my foot. I look down and it's Matthew hitting my foot. I turn to face him and I know my face looks like the devil.

  "What?" I mumble those words out and somehow he doesn't even laugh. Weird.

  "We. Need. To. Talk." Oh hell no. I swallow down the mash potatoes and then something horrible happens. The mash potatoes go down the wrong way and I start coughing like an old person with bronchitis. Matthew stands up and starts patting my back and I start coughing more because this is getting weird. Oh shit, is this where I'm gonna die? In the middle of dinner with his parents and himself too??? Am I gonna fall face down in mash potatoes or hot gravy??? Ughhh, I might just die anyway. I get up right away and get the glass of water and drink it. I drink all of it until my coughing goes down. I take a deep breath and I know for sure I probably scared my parents and his.

  "Genesis! Are you okay darling???" My mother says and I nod about five times.

  "Yeah uh. Can I be excused?" I say and my mother nods as I push my chair in and put my napkin on my plate. I walk away and I go upstairs to my room so I can just die from humiliation. I open my bedroom door and I shut it. I flop on my bed and I scream into my pillow. Very dramatic, but very lunatic. I close my eyes
so I can just dream about things I love dreaming about. Like death. Or the devil. Or me being in hell and being a devil! Yeah, that sounds like an awesome dream. As I close my eyes, I hear a knock on my door.

  "Ughhhhhhhhhh," I say as I open my eyes. Seriously?! If it's my mom, I might just slam the door in her face, and trust me, I've done it before. I get up from my bed and I go to my door to open it. As I open it my jaw falls. Matthew again! He looks nervous as hell since he's actually knocking on a girl's door. His hands are in his pockets and he's so close that one step, he'll actually be in my room. Damn.

  "Seriously? Don't you have anything better to do instead of knocking on "crazy girl's" bedroom door?" I say and he smiles. There you go you little boy, smile. Damn, I am weird.

  "I just wanted to make sure you were okay since you almost died at dinner." I laugh since honestly, that's exactly what happened at dinner. I put my hair through my fingers and stretch.

  "Yeah..." I look back where my covers on my bed are wrinkled when I just flopped on them a minute ago. My clothes are still on the ground and my bag and books are everywhere around my room. I turn back to see Matthew and he's also looking in my room. He then looks straight at me because somehow this dude doesn't think I just saw him eyeing my room. He's not smooth at all. I roll my eyes and he licks his lips. Am I seriously paying attention to his lips? Yeah, I am.

  "Well. I uh... I gotta go." Matthew begins to turn around and I stop him with words that make me wanna punch myself.

  "You wanna come in?" Matthew turns and looks at me with his eyebrows up.

  "Did you hit your head when you were coming up the stairs or something?" I laugh and shake my head.

  "Ha, no. It's just I'm bored and lonely and I'm being nice okay?" I turn around and I open my door wide enough for him to come in. My hand's motion for him to come inside and he actually does. Weird. As he comes in my room I close my door and open my light. I know for sure that this looks super sketchy and slutty since I'm in a slutty dress and I just closed my bedroom door since a guy is in my room, but I'm just lonely. I sit on my bed and lie down.

  "So is this where you keep all of your hostages?" He says as he wanders around my room. I laugh and shake my head.

  "Nah, I just put them in the basement of course so I can sleep without them shouting at me since I kidnapped them." I pretend I'm making snow angels on my bed and honestly I must look crazy. I get up and I find Matthew looking at an old picture of me when I was little.

  "You look so cute here. What happened?" I roll my eyes and sit on the ground.

  "Hardee har har. Super funny. Thanks." I lie on the carpeted ground and I close my eyes. Funny, the silence is super awesome because nothing is bothering you. Expect of course Matthew's voice seeping through my dreams of death.

  "I'm kidding. You look beautiful you know." I open one eye and I stare at him. Is he joking or did he hit his head when he was walking upstairs?

  "You are so weird. Can you help me up?" I put my arms in the air and wave it for him to grab it and help me up. I'm super lazy and I know for sure he's strong enough to help me up. He sighs and grabs both of my arms and helps me up. He's super strong that I almost fell down when he grabbed me.

  "Dang. You're strong. Do you do weights or something?" He laughs and I still have my serious face on.

  "Uh, well I do go to the gym you know. The gym. It's a magical place where people go to exercise and get the body they dream of." I roll my eyes and feel his arms. Wow. They are actually filled with muscles.

  "I know what the gym is you dumbass. Also, I thought guys only go there to look at girl's ass's or something." He also rolls his eyes and I can't help it but laugh at him. I laugh and laugh until I can't breathe until he has to hold me so I won't fall down and collapse.

  "You're laugh is beautiful you know. You should laugh more. Also, are you high?" I shake my head and then look at him dead in the eye. Did he just say my laugh is "beautiful?" Ew. I let it go and remember him wanting to talk to me about something.

  "Didn't you want to talk to me about something? Remember you somehow telling me you wanted to "talk to me" during dinner?" He looks down first, then looks up. I give him a confused look and he smiles.

  "Uh yeah. I was just wondering if you want to like, I don't know. Be my partner for the science project?" My eyes bulge out and I'm about to die. First of, what project is he even talking about? Ugh, I so gotta listen more to Mr. Gold.

  "Ew. Why?" He comes close to me and that's when I get somewhat scared of what might happen.

  "Because it'll be fun, and why did you just say ew?" I bit my lip and think about it. Hm, being partners with Matthew Brown? I rather eat dirt. I'm about to say no until I think about something that I can earn after this. I can become his partner and earn an A! I know for sure he is good at science, but I'm not gonna be that mean. I will help him, and me of course. Also when I leave this sorry world, at least some people can remember of me being "Matthew Brown's science partner!" Yeah, that's a good ringtone.

  "Sure. I'll be your partner if only when I die, you better not miss me." I laugh at those words as they jingle through my brain.

  "Why do you do that?" I look at him and I'm confused.

  "Do what? Be funny?" I fall on my bed and yawn. It's almost nine o'clock and I'm tired. Can't he just leave already?

  "Say that you're gonna die and you love death and shit. It's not funny. It's kind of scary." I close my eyes and hum "Twinkle twinkle little star."

  "No, it is funny. It's funny because I love death and I wanna die. Now can you leave? Me tired." I say and that somehow only makes it worse.

  "You're not gonna die. Are you insane?" I open my eyes and flip him off.

  "I will die someday. Everybody dies someday, and also, I am insane. I'm called "screwed up" for a reason you know." Matthew groans and puts his hands in his hair and tugs the ends. Damn, he's mad.

  "Yeah, well I'm not gonna let you die okay?" I suddenly get up and get angry.

  "Not your problem. It's only mine. Not. Yours. Now leave." I point to the door and wait until he moves his ass and leaves my bedroom. I'm done with this dude.

  "No." Oh shit. Did he just say no? Well then. World war three happening right now then.

  "No?" I raise my voice and I know for sure if I raise it, even more, my parents are gonna come in and think that he might've hit me or something worse. Matthew comes closer and I get even more triggered. This idiot thinks he can just come to my house and eat my food and then come close to me while I'm pissed? Oh, he's good.

  "No." I look down on the floor and try to lower my temper down. I then remember this movie that somehow stuck in my mind. This movie was damn old, but somehow really smart when you were in these situations with stupid guys. I remember very clearly that this girl, I think Elizabeth? Yeah, that was her name. Elizabeth was annoyed that this boy was bothering her, and so what she did was kiss him. Now look, I rather kiss a dirty dog, but this is the only thing that can happen so he can leave me alone with my dreams of death. It's also the only thing I can think of right now so...

  I come closer to Matthew and bite my lip so I can at least look sexy while doing it. I put both my hands on his shoulders and that's when he breathes hard. Yeah, he so knows what I'm doing, and somehow he's not stopping it. I go on my tippy-toes and that's when the "magic" happens. I kiss him softly on his lips which are somehow very soft. I bit his lower lip which makes me weird out on how much I know on kissing. Ugh, I really wanna die soon if I have to do this to every guy who annoys me all the time. I put my arms around his neck and move closer to him. What surprises me is that he kissed me back. He kisses me and kisses me and as I move closer to him he lifts me off the ground. I'm about to stop this stupid kissing, but I can't. Oh shit. I keep on kissing him and it's not that bad as I thought. He's a good kisser. Hm, maybe he does this to all the girls. Maybe... He kisses me and puts his hand on my back, and it goes down and down and down until I figure out what he's doing. His hand is now on my butt, and I wanna slap it
away, but I don't. What is wrong with me! I keep on kissing him and he does the same with me until I need to stop so I can grab some air. I step back and take a big breath as I think that he just stole my whole oxygen tank that was in my body. I breathe and breath until I notice that he's looking at me. His lips are puffed up, and his hair is a mess because of my hands of course. I know for sure my hair's a mess and my lips must be swollen. I'm also dying because of how tight my stupid dress is and I so wanna take it off, but I'm not that of a slut. I put my fingers through my hair and look at him. He's staring at me and it's making me somehow get mad again.

  "Genesis." He says my name at the same time my mother calls him down.

  "Yeah well. You're needed downstairs. Thank you so much for coming and um, yeah, good night." I say as I walk to my door and open it for him to leave. Oh, he's leaving, and I'm sleeping. He walks to my door and before I close it his stupid mouth opens.

  "So I guess we're back to hating each other then." I nod and close the door. I lean on the door and slide down until my butt hits the ground. Ugh, boys. Ugh me! Genesis, did you really had to do that? Yes, yes I did. After arguing with my mind for about ten minutes, I get up and take off my tight dress and hang it in my closet. I put on my pj's and go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I'm frightened by how I look in front of the mirror. My hair's a mess, and my lips are a bit swollen. I brush my teeth fast and I wash my face so Matthew's stupid lips are gone from my own lips. I dry my face and I put my hair up in a loose bun. I walk through the hall like a zombie and stop as I hear my parent's voices echo through the house.