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Scarred Page 4

  “I guess you really don’t know what to say to me do you?” He says which makes my eyes widen. How on earth did he know that? Is he, telepathic? Oh come one Ava, are you that stupid? He laughs under his breath, which I love. I love it when guys try to laugh quietly so that the girl doesn’t hear them. But I do want to hear him laugh, his laugh is so beautiful somehow, it makes me want to listen to it all the time.

  “I uh, yeah. Sorry. I think the only reason I came here was to say thank you for telling me where my sister was.” I say as I start to walk away from him. That’s it. It’s done. I’m kind of hoping he’s gonna call me back and like tell me his name or phone number or something, but come on, that will only happen in fairy tales. In real life, it’s just a hello, and a goodbye. He picks one and I pick one and it’s done. No fairytale, just reality.

  As I almost make it to my table I feel something grabbing my arm. I hold my breath, almost shout as I turn around. It’s him. I thought he was just gonna go back to his table, but he didn’t. Shook, he brings me close and smiles. I honestly should be scared because I don’t know who the hell this guy is, but really, I’m intrigued. I’m happy he didn’t go back to his family, yet he grabbed me for some reason. He pulls me close to the door before my parents see me. He lets go, and comes close to my ear.

  “You, um, want to get out of here and have some fun?” He says which makes my heart stop. I really want to say yes, but what kind of fun? Is he just gonna leave me in a ditch with some homeless people asking me for my clothes? Oh Ava, you are so dumb! It’s the middle of the day, and it’s thirty degrees. Just go, or you’ll regret it. And boy, will I.

  I turn to see what’s happening at my table, and honestly, I really don’t want to go back there. I mean come on! It’s my last day until I go to university. I deserve some fun. I turn back to him and smile. I know my answer, and I hope he likes it.

  “Hell, yes.” I say and he smiles. He takes my hands and leads me out of the restaurant. I have never felt so free in my entire life, and today, is the day I feel it.

  Chapter 7


  I don’t even know what the hell I was thinking. Maybe it was my brain damage, or maybe it was because this girl was so freaking hot. I have never seen a girl like this in my entire life. She was even hotter then Beth, and I even told Beth that she was the most beautiful person in the entire world. I guess I lied, then. But really, this girl is just drop dead gorgeous. Before when she walked into the restaurant, I thought I was paralyzed just by looking at her. I must’ve looked like such a creep staring at her, but how could I not? She has light blond hair, which lighter blonde streaks. She has ocean blue eyes, with specks of tiny green in them if you look carefully. She has this freaking hot body, and a great height for a girl. Also the dress that she’s wearing fits her in the spots that the guys especially want.

  Look, what do you expect from me? I’m a guy for God's sake. How could I not ask her if she wants to bail from this stupid restaurant. The food wasn’t that good there anyway. When I saw her looking for her sister, how could I not get up and help her? It was the perfect time to do anyway. As I was looking for her, her sister comes up to me, which made me almost scream. She was so scary, who wouldn’t be scared. He sister was hot too, but not for me. I had a type for girls, and my type was her sister, not her. She told me how her sister is in the washroom looking for her, and so she wanted me to talk to her.

  Before I can say anything, she just walks away and sits back to her table. I walk closer to the girls washroom, probably looking like a freak, and wait until she opens the door. In just the right time, she opened the door, and by accident she bumped into me. Trying not to sound like an asshole, I felt her chest touch me, and so that was like fate meaning to happen.

  She told me that she was looking for her sister, and so I really didn’t know what to say, and so I told her that her sister was sitting down at her table. After saying that, I felt like a damn idiot. I wasn’t supposed to say that, and so I was supposed to have a conversation with her. As her sister told me to do. For some reason her sister wanted me to talk to her, which I wanted to do anyways, I just didn’t. But I really want to know why her sister wanted me to do it anyway. I mean, who does that? Her sister, I guess.

  As I told her where her sister was sitting, she looked mad, and believe me, that was the cutest damn thing I have ever seen. Not even babies look that cute when they're mad. She bit her lip when she was mad, which made me want to grab her hard, and kiss her. Oh, I wanted to do that, but that would've been stupid. I mean she doesn’t even know me, and I really don’t know her anyway. All I know is that she has a cute ass, and that her sister wanted me to talk to her. But that’s it. No name, nor phone number.

  When she left to like yell at her sister, I just stayed there, and watched her. I must’ve looked like a creep, but she just looks so darn cute, how could I not look at her? I looked at her until I was tired thinking that she’s not gonna come back and talk to me. And so I sat down and pulled my phone out. I was wanting to text my best friend Nate, and ask him on how college was. He got in early, and so I was waiting to go to university too.

  As I texted him, he replied right away, which made me smile. We’ve been friends since like elementary school, and so he’s always been like an extra brother for me. I began telling him about the girl I saw, and how hot she is. He replied saying that he wanted a picture of her, but I told him no, of course. I’m not those guys who sneak pics of girls to our friends. Now, that’s an asshole.

  I heard footsteps when I was texting Nate, and so I was thinking that it was my mom, but it wasn’t. It was her. She looks nervous to talk to me, which makes her even more hot. I get up and quickly text Nate a good-bye emergency, saying that the girl came up to me. He sends me a smiley face, with a middle finger, which makes me laugh. I put my phone in my pocket. I’m happy that she came back. Maybe her sister told her something, that made her come back. If it was, I sure owe her sister like a million dollars. I walk up to her, so I can hear what she’s gonna say, and maybe record it. I can see by her emotion on her face, that she doesn’t know what to say, and so I say something instead to clear the air. As I start talking she was saying thank you for some reason to me for helping her find her sister, but honestly, I didn’t give a crap.

  All I wanted was to like rip off her dress to see what kind of undergarments she was wearing. Like I said, I’m a guy, and so it’s my dream to do that to her, but I would look like a creep and so I take all my strength to not do it. She then walks away from me, for some reason, and it makes me sad. I see how she walks away, and how her dress is so flowy, I can see her soft nice tanned legs.

  I am so not letting her walk away from me. I need to figure her out, and who the hell she is. I want her so badly I walk to her before she makes it to her table and grab her arm. She must be scared, since a stranger is grabbing her arm, but I don’t give a damn. I bring her to the corner of the door so that both our families don’t see, and so we can escape easy. I bring her close, and oh my God, she smells so nice. Like really really nice. Nice like flowers, or honey. I don’t know what’s with girls these days, but they smell so damn good. Trying to not be affected by her smell, I man up and ask her if she wants to get out of this restaurant. I basically prayed for her to say yes, and as she opens her mouth I cross my fingers behind my back.

  “Hell, yes.” She said which made my heart beat faster than a horse. Now like I said, what the hell did I do. I mean I basically told her to bail on her family dinner, and come with me somewhere. I honestly don’t even know where the hell I’m gonna take her, but I will take her anywhere she wants. I could take this girl to Mars. I mean come on, she is so hot it makes my heart skip a beat just by looking at her.

  As we got outside, the hot air just goes through me, it makes me regret wearing this stupid shirt now. I really want to unbutton it, but I’m not wearing anything under here, so it might scare her. The other thing that might scare her is my scar, and by over my dead body am
I gonna show it to her. Even when I go to the beach I wear a t-shirt so that nobody can see my scar.

  Also, what would she say about my scar anyway? Would she say that it looks ugly? Would she hate that pink long eight inch scar over my chest? Would she ask me all these questions and stuff? If she did, I couldn’t take it. It would just mess me up, which wouldn't’ really do anything. I mean come on. I’m already messed up, so if you mess me up even more, there wouldn’t really be a difference.

  Coming back to reality, I put on my sunglasses and turn around to see what this girl is doing. She has put on sunglasses too, and is now texting somebody. I’m kind of hoping that she is not calling the police, or telling her parents that some boy is kidnapping her from a restaurant. I decide to ask her and also try to think where I’m gonna take her. Thank God I stole my dad’s keys though, so I can use his car before he needs it to go home.

  “So um, who are you texting?” I say looking at her while I’m spinning the keys with my thumb. She puts her phone away in her bag and turn to look at me. Damn, this girl is hot.

  “Oh, I’m just texting my sister telling her that I just went for a walk because I didn’t feel good.” She says while fixing her hair a bit. I’m actually glad she didn’t say with who, or else I might be spending the night in a cold police cell.

  “Oh good, I um. We are gonna have to drive, and so is it okay with you to come into my, um, car?” I say trying to understand what I even said to her. Oh God, I must sound like an idiot. I swear under my breath while looking at the ground. I hear her laugh and so I look up and wonder why she’s laughing. She sees me looking at her and she tries to cover her mouth with her hand. I get a confused expression, and an eyebrow up so she can tell me why she’s laughing. Maybe she’s at me because I sound like an idiot. I would’ve done the same if someone said that to me

  “I um sorry, it’s just. No one has ever said that to me in my entire life. I mean come on, are you actually waiting for my permission so I can come into your car?” She says, which makes me wanna curl up into a ball and die. Damn it, did I really sound like that? I mean I must’ve sounded like I’ve never had a girl in my car before, which I had, of course.

  “I uh. Um. I honestly got nothing. I guess I thought since I don’t know your name, and you don’t know mine, and since we are actually like complete strangers, my manners got in the way and so I guess I had to ask you that question if you were okay coming into a strangers car.” I say hoping I sound smart now. She turns to face me and smiles. She bites her lower lip, and damn she looks like a tiny little puppy right now. Forget Beth and other girls, this girl is the only girl I want to charm right now, and be with.

  “I’m sorry. I must’ve sounded like a complete idiot. Can we start over?” She says which makes me light up. Oh yes. Yes! Thank you. I stop and she stops too. She puts out her hand and looks straight into my eyes, seeming like she can see everything. My lies, my truths. My whole entire life, and I’m not stopping her.

  “I’m Ava, eighteen years old. And you are?” She says which makes me happy that she’s the same age as me. I’m also happy because her name sounds like an angel. Ava. I play her name over my head about twenty times, until I noticed that I’ve been silent for a pretty long time.

  “Oh, sorry. I’m Connor. Eighteen years too.” I say as I put my hand out to shake it with her’s. She miles as we shake hands, and believe me, I am too. Only on the inside. Her hand feels so warm against mine, I just wanna hold her hand forever and ever and never let it go.

  “Great, at least we’re the same age, or else I might’ve left already.” She says as she lets go. Damn it. I miss her warmth against my hand, and so I just put it in my pocket. I smile, trying to figure out what to say.

  “Ditto.” Ditto? Ditto!? What the hell! Who the hell says ditto? Maybe old hippies or someone else, but not me! I do not say ditto. Ever. I would’ve said ‘I know right’ or ‘Damn right’ but not ditto. Ugh, Connor. You are an embarrassment to your family, and to guys. I rub my face almost making it red, but I don’t care. I just embarrassed myself in front of this perfect girl. I swear under my breath, as we walk to the car. My dad’s car is not that great, but it’s ok. It’s a white Buick. Other people would say it’s like the best car ever, but for me? It’s okay. For me I really like sport cars, but I don’t really think my parents would buy me another car after the accident.

  I remember my manners, I open the car door for Ava and she smiles back. Damn maybe instead a apple a day, maybe a smile away from her would keep the doctor away from me. She goes in and sits down on the seat, fixing her dress. Damn her legs look so smooth, I kind of want to like feel them. As creepy as that sounds, that’s a guy's dream. Sue me. I close the door and try to run to the other side. I open the door and sit down. I take out my phone and send a quick text to my parents saying that I took the car because I needed to get something at home. Hopefully they won’t think I’ll get in a car crash again, but really, it wasn’t at all my fault. So if there was again another drunk driver, don’t think it’s my fault they are drunk, let it be their fault.

  I put my phone back into my pocket and put the key in. I turn it and put it in drive. I turn around and back out, putting my hand at the back at her seat. Oh God, how much I want to just kiss her. But no, she doesn’t even know me, and neither do I. Also it is my last day until univeristy. I don’t think I’ll ever see her again, and so I shouldn’t really do anything stupid to her.

  As I back out I think on where I should take her, and so an idea pops into my head. Bingo! I smile as I think on where I’m gonna take her. And no, it’s not my room, which was my second idea. She still hasn't eaten yet, so I’m gonna take her out somewhere everyone wants. Not some fancy dancy restaurant. I’m gonna take her out to a diner, where they have the best burgers ever. I have been there before, and so I know how the burgers are. And believe me, they are freaking delicious. I’m hoping she hasn’t been there before, or it kind of would crush my heart. Cause I have really no other idea on where I should take her. Well I do have my room, but I hardly believe she would like that idea.

  “So, where are you taking me?” She says in that beautiful angelic voice. Damn, does everything about her have to be so perfect?

  “It’s a surprise. And don’t worry, it’s not like I’m gonna like take you to a ditch and leave you there.” I say laughing, then stopping as I hear her not laughing with me. I’m such an idiot. I must sound like a serial killer to her. I stop when it’s a red light, and turn to her. I figuring out what to say, but nothing comes out. Oh, come on! Speak!

  “Sorry if I sounded like a creeper or killer to you. I uh, I don’t know.” I say scratching the back of my head. I really don’t know anything, that’s the truth.

  “You don’t know what?” She says which makes me happy she’s speaking. If she wants a conversation, she’s gonna get one.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing taking you with me, since you don’t even know who the hell I am. I guess I wanted to take you out because. Uh, because… I guess because you looked so beautiful, I just needed to take you somewhere, instead of that stupid place.” I say and now I feel embarrassed. I cannot believe I just explained to her why I took her out. I know I’m blushing, and so I look straight ahead until the light turns green. And thank God it does. I press on the gas pedal, and hit it, so I can just forget on what I said.

  “You think I’m beautiful?” She says in a quiet voice. She says it like she doesn’t believe it, which I think is totally stupid. I mean does this girl even have a mirror? Even if she does, she doesn’t even need one! She’s beautiful, top dead gorgeous, and I don’t even deserve her, for all that matters. Sure, I’m hot, but underneath, I’m not. I’m just this ripped up body, put together by doctors, but still broken because I was too horribly damaged for them to fix me completely. Anyway, this girl doesn’t even see how beautiful she truly is, and for me it breaks my heart how she doesn’t see it.

  “Do I think you're beautiful? Ava, don’t think I’m ju
st saying this to get you to like me, but damn you're beautiful. The way you move, and the way you talk and I especially love the way you bite your lower lip when you're mad or anxious. Look, all I’m saying is that, when you arrived at the restaurant, you stopped my heart. I don’t know. I guess that’s what I’m trying to say.” I take a deep breath, and turn to see her face. She’s looking at me, almost about to cry, I think, and it’s making me happy that she sees what I see in her. I return to looking straight ahead, driving, so I don’t crash. I keep repeating her name over and over again in my head, hoping I don’t forget about her. But how could I? She’s so beautiful, you can spot her from fifty feet away.

  “Um, so are we there yet, at the special surprising place?” She says in this cute little tone.

  “Oh, hell yeah.”

  Chapter 8


  I can’t breathe. Like technically I can breathe, but I’m so blown away by what he said. He just called me beautiful. Connor called me beautiful. As I try to take those words down step by step, I’m anxious to find out where he’s gonna take me. I mean he’s still a stranger, but he’s a stranger whose name is Connor, and who has called me beautiful. So, he’s not really a stranger I guess, more like an acquaintance, so I don’t really have to be that scared.

  When I ask if we are there yet, he says yes as we approach a diner. Oh, thank God! I am starving right now, I’m pretty sure I could eat a horse. I smell the air, which comes to me. Burgers. Fresh, juicy burgers, which is making my stomach gurgle just thinking about them. As Connor finds a spot he parks very slowly, trying not to make a scratch on the car I guess. I kind of want to tell him to hurry up, since I’m freaking hungry, but I keep quiet and let him park. As he’s finished, he takes out the key and puts it in his pocket, then turns to look at me.

  “Well?” He says as to asking me if I like his surprise. And honestly, I love it! Jayce would never do this because he said how girls can't eat burgers or they’ll get too fat. But screw him, mamma needs burgers, and she needs them now. Maybe Em was right. Maybe he is the one. Ah screw it, I’m hungry.